Irshad Pest Control committed to protect and prevent human injury, illness and safety accidents for employees, Visitor and others that may be affected by the operation in additional to enhancement of employee health and welfare. We firmly believe that the safety must not be compromised at all time under any circumstances.
The prime objective of Irshad Pest Control Est. is to provide products and services in a manner, which conforms to our client’s requirements and all applicable regulatory requirements. In order to achieve this objective, it is the policy of our company to maintain an effective and efficient Occupational Health & Safety Management System.
Occupational Health and Safety
As an occupational health and safety conscious organization, Irshad Pest Control Est. shall
- Comply with AD EHSMS Regulatory Framework and Waste Sector OHS Policy all applicable occupational health and safety federal and local legal and other requirements.
- IRSHAD PEST CONTROL .Est. employees, Visitor and Contractor comply with their Occupational, health and safety responsibilities and encourage them to adopt healthy and safe best practices.
- Apply practices and control technologies that minimize risk to the extent possible.
- Ensure prompt actions are taken to situations endangering employees, customers and the general public as a result of our activities.
- Establish, implement and monitor risk management program to identify, evaluate, prioritize and controls Occupational, health and safety risks.
- Setting an OSH objectives, Targets and Programs and ensure these are regularly reviewed and measured against targets through monitoring, auditing, reporting and research programs to ensure continual improvements.
- Ensure continuous improvement in its activities to prevent personal injury and / or property damage.
- Providing necessary occupational health and safety information, instructions and training to enable all colleagues to carry out their jobs competently and safely. Selecting competent contractors and monitoring their performance to ensure related standards of occupational health and safety are secured.
- Ensure availability of all resources to ensure compliance with this policy.
It shall be ensured that this Occupational, Health & Safety Management System Policy is communicated to personnel at all levels within the organization and to interested parties. This policy shall be the basis for establishing and reviewing Occupational, Health & Safety Management System Objectives and Targets, and shall be reviewed for its continuing suitability at periodic intervals.
- Store toxic substances out of reach of children
- Store toxic substances in high cabinets with locks
- Store toxic materials in their original containers
- Return all medicines to their proper storage places
- Remember: all cleaning agents are potentially toxic
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